Ingressos para passeios de barco com almoço em Viena

Diversas rotas
Diversas rotas
Partidas frequentes
Partidas frequentes
Vistas panorâmicas
Vistas panorâmicas

MS Blue Danube cruise on Danube Canal, Vienna, with Spittelau waste incineration plant in background.
Urania building reflected in Donaukanal, Vienna, Austria, during city sightseeing cruise.
Vienna skyline with DC Tower I along Danube Canal during city sightseeing cruise.
St Francis of Assisi Church viewed from Reichsbrücke bridge on Danube Canal, Vienna.
Dining area inside MS Vienna on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise, Vienna.
Waiter serving Viennese Schnitzel with fried potatoes on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel on a plate held by two people during a Vienna Danube Canal sightseeing cruise.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city sightseeing.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
MS Blue Danube cruise on Danube Canal, Vienna, with Spittelau waste incineration plant in background.
Urania building reflected in Donaukanal, Vienna, Austria, during city sightseeing cruise.
Vienna skyline with DC Tower I along Danube Canal during city sightseeing cruise.
St Francis of Assisi Church viewed from Reichsbrücke bridge on Danube Canal, Vienna.
Dining area inside MS Vienna on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise, Vienna.
Waiter serving Viennese Schnitzel with fried potatoes on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel on a plate held by two people during a Vienna Danube Canal sightseeing cruise.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city sightseeing.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
MS Blue Danube cruise on Danube Canal, Vienna, with Spittelau waste incineration plant in background.
Urania building reflected in Donaukanal, Vienna, Austria, during city sightseeing cruise.
Vienna skyline with DC Tower I along Danube Canal during city sightseeing cruise.
St Francis of Assisi Church viewed from Reichsbrücke bridge on Danube Canal, Vienna.
Dining area inside MS Vienna on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise, Vienna.
Waiter serving Viennese Schnitzel with fried potatoes on Danube Canal sightseeing cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel on a plate held by two people during a Vienna Danube Canal sightseeing cruise.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube Canal cruise boat in Vienna with passengers enjoying city sightseeing.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.

City Sightseeing: cruzeiro turístico no Canal do Danúbio com almoço opcional

a partir de
€ 32
Cancelamento gratuito

Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Confirmação imediata
Ingressos eletrônicos
1 h 15 min.
Refeição incluída

Conheça os marcos icônicos de Viena a partir da água, com informações a bordo e pratos vienenses autênticos.

  • Tudo o que você recebe: Embarque em um cruzeiro turístico de 75 minutos ao longo do Canal do Danúbio, em Viena, com comentários a bordo em vários idiomas. Veja os principais pontos de referência da água e opte por saborear pratos tradicionais vienenses, como schnitzel e strudel de maçã, preparados na hora a bordo.
  • Pontos turísticos cobertos: Passe pela Torre Uniqa, Observatório Urania, Casa Zaha Hadid, Roßauer Kaserne e a colorida usina de incineração de resíduos Hundertwasser.
  • Por que escolher este: Desfrute de um cruzeiro panorâmico e relaxante com vistas dos locais emblemáticos de Viena, acompanhado de uma deliciosa culinária local para uma experiência memorável.
  • Upgrades: Presenteie-se com um almoço vienense completo, saboreie o clássico schnitzel ou delicie-se com um tentador strudel de maçã e uma bebida quente, aprimorando sua experiência com verdadeiros sabores autênticos.

Conheça os marcos icônicos de Viena a partir da água, com informações a bordo e pratos vienenses autênticos.

  • Tudo o que você recebe: Embarque em um cruzeiro turístico de 75 minutos ao longo do Canal do Danúbio, em Viena, com comentários a bordo em vários idiomas. Veja os principais pontos de referência da água e opte por saborear pratos tradicionais vienenses, como schnitzel e strudel de maçã, preparados na hora a bordo.
  • Pontos turísticos cobertos: Passe pela Torre Uniqa, Observatório Urania, Casa Zaha Hadid, Roßauer Kaserne e a colorida usina de incineração de resíduos Hundertwasser.
  • Por que escolher este: Desfrute de um cruzeiro panorâmico e relaxante com vistas dos locais emblemáticos de Viena, acompanhado de uma deliciosa culinária local para uma experiência memorável.
  • Upgrades: Presenteie-se com um almoço vienense completo, saboreie o clássico schnitzel ou delicie-se com um tentador strudel de maçã e uma bebida quente, aprimorando sua experiência com verdadeiros sabores autênticos.


  • Cruzeiro turístico de 75 minutos
  • Almoço vienense (conforme a opção selecionada)
  • Apple strudel e bebida quente (de acordo com a opção selecionada)
  • Schnitzel (de acordo com a opção selecionada)
  • Esta experiência é acessível para cadeirantes e carrinhos de bebê.
  • Os cães podem participar do cruzeiro sem custo adicional, mas devem ser mantidos em uma coleira e usar focinheira.
  • Crianças menores de 10 anos viajam gratuitamente no barco, mas a comida não está incluída.
  • Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.
MS Wien cruising on the Danube River in Vienna, Austria, operated by DDSG Blue Danube.
Vienna skyline with Danube River in foreground, Austria.
Interior of a Vienna sightseeing cruise ship with tables set for dining along the Danube River.
Millennium Tower by Danube River in Vienna, Austria, viewed from a river cruise.
Woman enjoying lunch on a Danube River cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel slice on a plate, Vienna Danube River cruise dessert option.
Wiener Schnitzel served on a plate during a Vienna Danube River cruise.
MS Wien ship on Danube Canal, Vienna, with UNIQA Tower in background.
Urania observatory dome and surrounding architecture in Vienna, Austria, viewed from Danube River cruise.
Donaukanal Danube Canal cruise in Vienna, Austria, with boats and cityscape on a sunny day.
MS Wien cruising on the Danube River in Vienna, Austria, operated by DDSG Blue Danube.
Vienna skyline with Danube River in foreground, Austria.
Interior of a Vienna sightseeing cruise ship with tables set for dining along the Danube River.
Millennium Tower by Danube River in Vienna, Austria, viewed from a river cruise.
Woman enjoying lunch on a Danube River cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel slice on a plate, Vienna Danube River cruise dessert option.
Wiener Schnitzel served on a plate during a Vienna Danube River cruise.
MS Wien ship on Danube Canal, Vienna, with UNIQA Tower in background.
Urania observatory dome and surrounding architecture in Vienna, Austria, viewed from Danube River cruise.
Donaukanal Danube Canal cruise in Vienna, Austria, with boats and cityscape on a sunny day.
MS Wien cruising on the Danube River in Vienna, Austria, operated by DDSG Blue Danube.
Vienna skyline with Danube River in foreground, Austria.
Interior of a Vienna sightseeing cruise ship with tables set for dining along the Danube River.
Millennium Tower by Danube River in Vienna, Austria, viewed from a river cruise.
Woman enjoying lunch on a Danube River cruise in Vienna.
Apple strudel slice on a plate, Vienna Danube River cruise dessert option.
Wiener Schnitzel served on a plate during a Vienna Danube River cruise.
MS Wien ship on Danube Canal, Vienna, with UNIQA Tower in background.
Urania observatory dome and surrounding architecture in Vienna, Austria, viewed from Danube River cruise.
Donaukanal Danube Canal cruise in Vienna, Austria, with boats and cityscape on a sunny day.

Cruzeiro pelo rio Danúbio com delícias vienenses opcionais

a partir de
€ 45
Cancelamento gratuito

Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Confirmação imediata
Ingressos eletrônicos
3 h 20 min.
Refeição incluída
  • Deleite-se com uma perspectiva única de Viena em um cruzeiro de 3,5 horas pelo rio Danúbio, uma viagem que mostra o coração verde da cidade, o horizonte moderno e as maravilhas históricas.
  • Oferecendo iguarias vienenses preparadas na hora, servidas no aconchego de interiores com ar condicionado, este cruzeiro é perfeito.
  • Conheça as proezas arquitetônicas de Viena e veja o observatório Urania e a moderna Millennium Tower.
  • Escolha entre uma variedade de opções de ingressos, incluindo bebidas refrescantes, uma refeição de dois pratos ou um tradicional schnitzel vienense para aprimorar sua experiência.
  • Deleite-se com uma perspectiva única de Viena em um cruzeiro de 3,5 horas pelo rio Danúbio, uma viagem que mostra o coração verde da cidade, o horizonte moderno e as maravilhas históricas.
  • Oferecendo iguarias vienenses preparadas na hora, servidas no aconchego de interiores com ar condicionado, este cruzeiro é perfeito.
  • Conheça as proezas arquitetônicas de Viena e veja o observatório Urania e a moderna Millennium Tower.
  • Escolha entre uma variedade de opções de ingressos, incluindo bebidas refrescantes, uma refeição de dois pratos ou um tradicional schnitzel vienense para aprimorar sua experiência.


  • Cruzeiro de 3,5 horas por Viena
  • Almoço de 2 pratos (opcional)
  • Schnitzel (opcional)
  • Strudel de maçã/bebida quente (opcional)
  • Dica: fique de olho nas várias espécies de pássaros que habitam as margens do Danúbio e não se esqueça de binóculos para ver mais de perto.
  • Serviços: acessibilidade para cadeirantes e carrinhos de bebê
  • Animais de estimação, cães-guia e bagagens são permitidos a bordo.
  • Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Vienna cityscape with Danube River, prominent buildings, and fireworks during sunset cruise.
Dürnstein town on Danube River, Wachau, Lower Austria, with historic buildings and scenic landscape.
Bratislava Castle on a hill above the Danube River in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Vienna cityscape with Danube River, prominent buildings, and fireworks during sunset cruise.
Dürnstein town on Danube River, Wachau, Lower Austria, with historic buildings and scenic landscape.
Bratislava Castle on a hill above the Danube River in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Vienna cityscape with Danube River, prominent buildings, and fireworks during sunset cruise.
Dürnstein town on Danube River, Wachau, Lower Austria, with historic buildings and scenic landscape.
Bratislava Castle on a hill above the Danube River in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau

Bratislava ou Dürnstein: Viagem de um dia de Viena pelo Danúbio de barco

a partir de
€ 99
Cancelamento gratuito

Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Confirmação imediata
Ingressos eletrônicos
10 h 30 min. - 13 h
Refeição incluída
  • Mergulhe na beleza da Áustria em um cruzeiro de um dia pelo Danúbio, observando a linha do horizonte de Viena, a montanha Kahlenberg e a cidade-jardim de Tulln.
  • Este cruzeiro se destaca com um equilíbrio de luxo a bordo do MS Kaiserin Elisabeth II, com refeições gourmet e exploração a pé de um local da UNESCO.
  • Delicie-se com uma experiência gastronômica cuidadosamente selecionada, que inclui um café da manhã continental, um lanche no almoço, o tradicional strudel e um buffet de quatro pratos à noite.
  • Com 2 horas de tempo livre para explorar Dürnstein, você visitará a torre azul da igreja, as ruínas do castelo e a igreja colegiada barroca em meio ao charme dos paralelepípedos.
  • Mergulhe na beleza da Áustria em um cruzeiro de um dia pelo Danúbio, observando a linha do horizonte de Viena, a montanha Kahlenberg e a cidade-jardim de Tulln.
  • Este cruzeiro se destaca com um equilíbrio de luxo a bordo do MS Kaiserin Elisabeth II, com refeições gourmet e exploração a pé de um local da UNESCO.
  • Delicie-se com uma experiência gastronômica cuidadosamente selecionada, que inclui um café da manhã continental, um lanche no almoço, o tradicional strudel e um buffet de quatro pratos à noite.
  • Com 2 horas de tempo livre para explorar Dürnstein, você visitará a torre azul da igreja, as ruínas do castelo e a igreja colegiada barroca em meio ao charme dos paralelepípedos.


  • Cruzeiro de dia inteiro no rio Danúbio
  • Explore o vale de Wachau
  • 2 horas extras para explorar Dürnstein
  • 4 horas extras para você explorar Bratislava (opcional)
  • Refeições: Café da manhã, lanche no almoço, strudel, jantar (com opções baseadas no cruzeiro)
  • Cruzeiro em Bratsilava menu
  • Cruzeiro por Dürnstein e Wachau menu

Não inclui

  • Bebidas

Cruzeiro por Dürnstein e Wachau

  • Embarque às 7h30 | Partida de Viena às 8:30 da manhã | Café da manhã às 8h30 | Vista da montanha Kahlenberg e do mosteiro de Klosterneuburg | Lanche na hora do almoço às 12h30 | Dürnstein às 14h30min. | 2 horas para explorar | Partida de Dürnstein às 16h40 | Strudel às 16h40 | Buffet noturno às 19h | Buffet noturno com uma variedade de pratos austríacos | Chegada em Viena - 21h

Cruzeiro em Bratislava

  • Embarque das 8:00 às 8:45 | Viena/Marina | 9:00 da manhã de Viena/Marina | 09:00 Café da manhã | 11:00 Almoço lanche | 12:00 para Bratislava | 4 horas de estadia em Bratislava | 16:00 Strudel e partida de Bratislava | 18h30 Buffet da noite | 10h chegada em Viena/Marina |
  • Dica: Quando você estiver em Dürnstein, não perca a oportunidade de experimentar os vinhos Grüner Veltliner e Riesling produzidos localmente.
  • Serviços: Acessibilidade para cadeirantes, Acessibilidade para carrinhos de bebê, Aceita animais de estimação e cães-guia.
  • Você pode cancelar estes ingressos até 24 horas antes do início da experiência para obter um reembolso total.

Vienna lunch cruises | Gourmet delights and stunning views

If you want to spend a chill afternoon in Vienna, a lunch cruise could be just what you need. These cruises are designed to be relaxing and enjoyable, with a focus on good food and stunning scenery. As you sail along the Danube, you'll pass some of the city's most iconic landmarks like Uniqa Tower, Urania Observatory, and Ringturm. And the best part? You get to enjoy a scrumptious meal without any rush. So, if this sounds like your kind of afternoon, here's a quick guide to help you plan your Vienna lunch cruise.

Navigate your Vienna lunch cruise guide

  1. Why go on a Vienna lunch cruise?
  2. Your Vienna lunch cruise options
  3. Top sights to see on your Vienna lunch cruise
  4. Plan your lunch cruise in Vienna
  5. Frequently asked questions about Vienna lunch cruise tickets

Your Vienna lunch cruise options

Vienna Lunch cruises

Short-duration lunch cruises

City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal with Optional Viennese Delicacies

The canal cruise typically lasts about 75 minutes, making it a quick yet fulfilling way to see Vienna's urban landscape and lively waterfront. You can opt for Viennese delicacies like Apple Strudel with a hot drink, Schnitzel, or a 2-course lunch to enhance your experience. 

Danube River Cruise with Optional Viennese Delicacies

Another excellent option for a short but enriching experience is the Danube River Cruise. The cruise starts from the Danube Canal and goes up to the river, lasting around 3.5 hours and providing a quick yet comprehensive tour of Vienna. As with the canal cruise, you can choose to indulge in Viennese culinary treats or a 2-course lunch. 

Full-day cruises

Full-day Danube cruise to Dürnstein from Vienna

The full-day cruise to Dürnstein takes you through the Wachau Valley, known for its vineyards and charming villages. Upon reaching Dürnstein, you have 2 hours to explore this quaint town, famous for its medieval castle and historic sites. The full-day trip includes all meals, from breakfast, lunch, and evening snacks to a buffet dinner (check the menu here).

Full-day Danube cruise to Bratislava from Vienna

Another full-day cruise option is the Vienna to Bratislava boat trip. You will cruise along the Danube River to reach Bratislava, the Slovakian capital, where you can explore the city's rich history, architecture, and vibrant culture on a 4-hour stop. This full-day trip also includes all meals from breakfast to dinner (check the menu here).

A unique brunch experience

Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube River with Sunday Brunch and Live Music

This cruise is perfect for a unique and relaxing Sunday activity. It offers a leisurely sail along the Danube River, complete with a delicious brunch buffet and live music. The combination of good food, soothing tunes, and beautiful views makes for a delightful way to spend your Sunday with friends and family.

The buffet includes appetizers, salads, soup, main courses, and desserts. You can check the buffet menu here.

Plan your lunch cruise in Vienna

Boarding points & getting there
Best time to go on a cruise
Vienna Lunch cruises
  • City Sightseeing Cruise on Danube Canal with Optional Viennese Delicacies: 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm, and 5:30pm
  • Danube River Cruise with Optional Viennese Delicacies: 10:30am & 2pm
  • Full-Day Danube Cruise to Dürnstein or Bratislava from Vienna: 8:30am
  • Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube River with Sunday Brunch and Live Music: 11am
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube

Address: Franz-Josefs-Kai 2, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map

  • By bus: Bus #2A
  • Nearest bus stop: Schwedenplatz U
  • By tram: Tram #1 
  • Nearest tram stop: Schwedenplatz tram stop
  • By taxi: You can get a taxi to get to the boarding point from almost anywhere in the city.
Anlegestelle 07

Address: Handelskai 265, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map

Marina Wien Yachthafen

Address: Handelskai 343, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map

  • By subway: U2 subway
  • Nearest subway: Donaumarina
  • By taxi: You can get a taxi to get to the boarding point from almost anywhere in the city.
Vienna Lunch cruises
  • Spring and early summer (April to June) are prime times for lunch cruises in Vienna. During these months, the weather is mild and the city's vibrant greenery is in full bloom. Autumn (September to October) is another excellent choice, with colorful foliage adding a picturesque backdrop to your journey. These periods offer a pleasant climate, enhancing your overall experience.
  • Choosing between a weekend or weekday for your lunch cruise depends on your preference for atmosphere. Weekdays are generally less crowded, providing a quieter, more relaxed experience on the water. Weekends, however, are livelier, with more locals and tourists partaking in the cruises. If you enjoy a bustling, social ambiance, weekends might be more appealing.
Vienna Lunch cruises
  • Comfortable and well-equipped interiors: The boats feature air-conditioned interiors for a comfortable dining experience. The interiors are designed for ease and luxury, with ample space to relax while you enjoy your meal.
  • Expansive windows: These windows ensure you don't miss any of the city's scenic vistas, allowing you to appreciate the surroundings while savoring your lunch.
  • Covered and open deck areas: The boats feature both covered and open deck areas, giving you the flexibility to choose where you'd like to spend your time.
  • Wheelchair and pram/stroller accessibility: The boats are designed to accommodate passengers with mobility challenges, including those using wheelchairs. The boats are also pram/stroller-friendly.
  • Pets & guide dog friendly: Your furry friends are welcome, ensuring no one misses out on the fun.
Vienna Lunch cruises
  • Book in advance: Vienna lunch cruises are quite popular, especially during peak season. So, it's a good idea to book your cruise tickets about 2-3 weeks in advance to ensure you get a spot on your desired day and time.
  • Arrive early: Arrive at the boarding point at least 15-20 minutes before the cruise starts for a relaxed boarding process. 
  • Check the menu: Do check out the menu when you're booking your lunch cruise ticket. It's especially important if you have any dietary preferences or restrictions.
  • Bring binoculars: You'll find an array of bird species along the Danube's banks, including swans and ducks. Binoculars will let you get a closer look at these beautiful creatures.

Frequently asked questions about Vienna lunch cruise tickets

What is the cost of Vienna lunch cruise tickets?

The starting price of Vienna lunch cruise tickets is . Prices can increase if you opt for extra amenities or services.

How long do lunch cruises in Vienna typically last?

Vienna lunch cruises can vary in length. Some are a short 75-minute getaway, while others can last up to 3-3.5 hours. There are even full-day options for those who want to explore more beyond Vienna.

What kind of food is served on a Vienna lunch cruise?

Most lunch cruises in Vienna feature a range of traditional Austrian dishes along with international options. Some cruise menus also offer vegetarian and vegan options. Be sure to check the menu when booking your cruise ticket, especially if you have any dietary preferences.

What should I wear on a lunch cruise?

Comfortable, casual attire is recommended. If you plan to be on the open deck, consider bringing a jacket or sweater, especially in cooler weather.

Are lunch cruises suitable for children?

Yes, lunch cruises in Vienna are a family-friendly activity. Children often enjoy the boat ride and the sights along the way.

Can I cancel my cruise booking?

Yes. You can cancel your cruise tickets up to 24 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.