Fai una crociera sul Danubio a Vienna

Tanti itinerari diversi
Tanti itinerari diversi
Partenze frequenti
Partenze frequenti
Viste panoramiche
Viste panoramiche

Vienna City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal passing Spittelau district.
Vienna Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube River cruise with view of Budapest Parliament building at sunset.
Urania Observatory viewed from a Danube Canal cruise in Vienna.
Spittelau incinerator with colorful facade by Hundertwasser in Vienna, Austria.
Rossauer Barracks in Vienna with historic architecture and lush green trees in the foreground.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views from Kapitan's Salon.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Vienna City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal passing Spittelau district.
Vienna Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube River cruise with view of Budapest Parliament building at sunset.
Urania Observatory viewed from a Danube Canal cruise in Vienna.
Spittelau incinerator with colorful facade by Hundertwasser in Vienna, Austria.
Rossauer Barracks in Vienna with historic architecture and lush green trees in the foreground.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views from Kapitan's Salon.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Vienna City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal passing Spittelau district.
Vienna Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying city views.
Danube River cruise with view of Budapest Parliament building at sunset.
Urania Observatory viewed from a Danube Canal cruise in Vienna.
Spittelau incinerator with colorful facade by Hundertwasser in Vienna, Austria.
Rossauer Barracks in Vienna with historic architecture and lush green trees in the foreground.
Danube Canal cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views from Kapitan's Salon.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.

Crociera panoramica sul Danubio con opzioni di prelibatezze viennesi

a partire da
32 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
1 h 15 min
Pasti inclusi
  • Goditi una crociera di 1 ora e 15 minuti lungo il Canale del Danubio di Vienna e scopri punti di riferimento come la Torre Uniqa, il Badeschiff, la Casa di Zaha-Hadid e altro ancora.
  • Ammira le affascinanti meraviglie architettoniche di Vienna dall'acqua, per esempio la Schützenhaus di Otto Wagner, la Caserma Rossauer ecc.
  • Non perderti il fascino contemporaneo della capitale viennese guardando gli ipnotici graffiti e le vivaci zone alla moda mentre la tua nave torna al punto di partenza.
  • Per arricchire la tua esperienza, scegli le prelibatezze viennesi preparate al momento, come lo strudel di mele o la cotoletta.
  • Goditi una crociera di 1 ora e 15 minuti lungo il Canale del Danubio di Vienna e scopri punti di riferimento come la Torre Uniqa, il Badeschiff, la Casa di Zaha-Hadid e altro ancora.
  • Ammira le affascinanti meraviglie architettoniche di Vienna dall'acqua, per esempio la Schützenhaus di Otto Wagner, la Caserma Rossauer ecc.
  • Non perderti il fascino contemporaneo della capitale viennese guardando gli ipnotici graffiti e le vivaci zone alla moda mentre la tua nave torna al punto di partenza.
  • Per arricchire la tua esperienza, scegli le prelibatezze viennesi preparate al momento, come lo strudel di mele o la cotoletta.


  • 1 ora e 15 minuti di crociera nel Canale del Danubio
  • Pranzo di 2 portate (menu here) (in base all'opzione selezionata)
  • Strudel di mele e bevanda calda (in base all'opzione selezionata)
  • Cotoletta (in base all'opzione selezionata)
  • Consiglio: tieni gli occhi ben aperti per non perderti la fauna selvatica. Sul Canale del Danubio, infatti, ci sono diversi uccelli e altri animali selvatici. Durante la crociera potresti vedere anche cigni, anatre o altre rare creature.
  • Servizi: accessibilità alle sedie a rotelle, alle carrozzine e ai passeggini.
  • I bambini sotto i 10 anni viaggiano gratis sulla barca, ma il cibo non è incluso.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna with Meals - 02
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna with Meals - 02
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna with Meals - 02
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau from Vienna
Restaurant at Cruise from Vienna
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Meals on Cruise to Dürnstein & Wachau
Vienna city sightseeing cruise boat on Danube Canal with passengers enjoying views.

Bratislava o Dürnstein: Gita di un giorno da Vienna sul Danubio in barca

a partire da
99 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
10 h 30 min - 13 h
Pasti inclusi
  • Immergiti nella bellezza del paesaggio austriaco durante una crociera di un giorno sul Danubio, ammirando lo skyline di Vienna, il monte Kahlenberg e la città giardino di Tulln.
  • Questa crociera si distingue per i servizi di lusso a bordo della MS Kaiserin Elisabeth II, i pasti gourmet e l'esplorazione a piedi di un sito UNESCO.
  • Goditi un'esperienza culinaria accuratamente curata con colazione continentale, snack a pranzo, strudel tradizionale e buffet serale di 4 portate.
  • Avrai 2 ore di tempo libero a disposizione per esplorare Dürnstein, visitare il campanile blu, le rovine del castello, la chiesa barocca e le affascinanti stradine acciottolate.
  • Immergiti nella bellezza del paesaggio austriaco durante una crociera di un giorno sul Danubio, ammirando lo skyline di Vienna, il monte Kahlenberg e la città giardino di Tulln.
  • Questa crociera si distingue per i servizi di lusso a bordo della MS Kaiserin Elisabeth II, i pasti gourmet e l'esplorazione a piedi di un sito UNESCO.
  • Goditi un'esperienza culinaria accuratamente curata con colazione continentale, snack a pranzo, strudel tradizionale e buffet serale di 4 portate.
  • Avrai 2 ore di tempo libero a disposizione per esplorare Dürnstein, visitare il campanile blu, le rovine del castello, la chiesa barocca e le affascinanti stradine acciottolate.


  • Crociera di un'intera giornata sul fiume Danubio
  • Esplora la valle di Wachau
  • 2 ore extra per esplorare Dürnstein
  • 4 ore extra per esplorare Bratislava (opzionale)
  • Pasti: Colazione, spuntino a pranzo, strudel, cena (con opzioni in base alla crociera)
  • Crociera Bratsilava menu
  • Crociera Dürnstein e Wachau menu

Servizi esclusi

  • Bevande

Crociera a Dürnstein e Wachau

  • Imbarco alle 7:30 | Partenza da Vienna alle ore 8:30 | Colazione alle 8:30 | Vista sulle montagne di Kahlenberg e sull'abbazia di Klosterneuburg | Snack a pranzo alle 12:30 | Dürnstein alle 14:30. | 2 ore per esplorare | Partenza da Dürnstein alle 16:40 | Strudel alle 16:40 | Buffet serale alle 19:00 | Buffet serale con una varietà di piatti austriaci | Arrivo a Vienna alle 21:00

Crociera a Bratislava

  • Imbarco alle 8:00 - 8:45 | Vienna/Marina | 9:00 da Vienna/Marina | 09:00 Colazione | 11:00 Snack per il pranzo | 12:00 a Bratislava | Soggiorno di 4 ore a Bratislava | 16:00 Strudel e partenza da Bratislava | 18:30 Buffet serale | 22:00 Arrivo a Vienna/Marina |
  • Consiglio: quando sei a Dürnstein, non perdere l'occasione di assaggiare i vini Grüner Veltliner e Riesling, prodotti localmente.
  • Servizi: accessibilità alle sedie a rotelle, accessibilità alle carrozzine/passeggini, possibilità di portare animali domestici/cani guida.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
View of the Urania observatory and Uniqa Tower in Vienna
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
Restaurant at Vienna Danube cruise
Guest enjoying sparkling wine during Evening Sightseeing Cruise in Danube
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
View of the Urania observatory and Uniqa Tower in Vienna
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
Restaurant at Vienna Danube cruise
Guest enjoying sparkling wine during Evening Sightseeing Cruise in Danube
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
View of the Urania observatory and Uniqa Tower in Vienna
Vienna Danube sunset cruise
Restaurant at Vienna Danube cruise
Guest enjoying sparkling wine during Evening Sightseeing Cruise in Danube

Crociera serale sul Danubio con cena opzionale

a partire da
45 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
3 h
Pasti inclusi
  • Vivi la magia del fascino serale di Vienna con un'incantevole crociera serale di 3 ore lungo il Danubio con l'opzione di un upgrade per la cena.
  • Salpa da Schwedenplatz e ammira i posti più caratteristici della capitale viennese tra cui l'osservatorio Urania e la centrale di teleriscaldamento Hundertwasser.
  • Immergiti nella tranquilla bellezza del Canale del Danubio e ammira l'architettura moderna e storica del centro di Vienna.
  • Visita la chiusa di Nussdorf, una chiusa che collega il Danubio alla città di Vienna ed è famosa per le sue attività ricreative lungo il fiume.
  • Aggiungi all'esperienza della crociera una cena di 3 portate e un aperitivo frizzante per una perfetta serata romantica a Vienna.
  • Vivi la magia del fascino serale di Vienna con un'incantevole crociera serale di 3 ore lungo il Danubio con l'opzione di un upgrade per la cena.
  • Salpa da Schwedenplatz e ammira i posti più caratteristici della capitale viennese tra cui l'osservatorio Urania e la centrale di teleriscaldamento Hundertwasser.
  • Immergiti nella tranquilla bellezza del Canale del Danubio e ammira l'architettura moderna e storica del centro di Vienna.
  • Visita la chiusa di Nussdorf, una chiusa che collega il Danubio alla città di Vienna ed è famosa per le sue attività ricreative lungo il fiume.
  • Aggiungi all'esperienza della crociera una cena di 3 portate e un aperitivo frizzante per una perfetta serata romantica a Vienna.


  • Crociera serale di 3 ore sul Danubio
  • Cena menu (opzionale)
  • Consiglio: non perdere l'opportunità di fare foto uniche, ad esempio immortala il riflesso degli edifici illuminati di Vienna sulle calme acque del Danubio.
  • Questa esperienza è accessibile agli ospiti in sedia a rotelle, carrozzina e passeggino.
  • I cani guida sono ammessi in questa esperienza.
  • I minori di 18 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.
  • Gli animali domestici sono i benvenuti in questa esperienza.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.
Danube Cruise near Millennium Tower
Group of friends having dinner in Danube Cruise
Danube Cruise near Danube Tower
Dining area in Danube Cruise
Apple strudel with whipped cream on Danube cruise
Danube River evening cruise with dinner and live music, Vienna, sunset view.
Pork schnitzel with parsley potatoes freshly prepared on Danube cruise
 Couples having dinner on Danube cruise
Danube Cruise during night
Danube Cruise near Millennium Tower
Group of friends having dinner in Danube Cruise
Danube Cruise near Danube Tower
Dining area in Danube Cruise
Apple strudel with whipped cream on Danube cruise
Danube River evening cruise with dinner and live music, Vienna, sunset view.
Pork schnitzel with parsley potatoes freshly prepared on Danube cruise
 Couples having dinner on Danube cruise
Danube Cruise during night
Danube Cruise near Millennium Tower
Group of friends having dinner in Danube Cruise
Danube Cruise near Danube Tower
Dining area in Danube Cruise
Apple strudel with whipped cream on Danube cruise
Danube River evening cruise with dinner and live music, Vienna, sunset view.
Pork schnitzel with parsley potatoes freshly prepared on Danube cruise
 Couples having dinner on Danube cruise
Danube Cruise during night

Crociera serale a tema sul Danubio con cena e musica dal vivo

a partire da
65 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 72 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
3 h - 3 h 30 min
Pasti inclusi
  • Assapora un delizioso buffet a tema con musica dal vivo di sottofondo durante una crociera serale di 3,5 ore sul Danubio che passa davanti a monumenti iconici della città.
  • Scatenati sulle note delle hit degli anni '70, '80 e '90, della musica classica Austropop (per smaltire i sostanziosi piatti austriaci) o della musica tradizionale greca con la danza Sirtaki.
  • Scegli tra barbecue, prelibatezze svedesi o i classici piatti della cucina italiana. Ogni tema è accompagnato da un buffet delizioso, che completa perfettamente la serata.
  • Impara a ballare il valzer durante la serata Strauss e Danubio, oppure sperimenta l'atmosfera tradizionale viennese con la musica dal vivo durante la serata Heurigen.
  • Assapora un delizioso buffet a tema con musica dal vivo di sottofondo durante una crociera serale di 3,5 ore sul Danubio che passa davanti a monumenti iconici della città.
  • Scatenati sulle note delle hit degli anni '70, '80 e '90, della musica classica Austropop (per smaltire i sostanziosi piatti austriaci) o della musica tradizionale greca con la danza Sirtaki.
  • Scegli tra barbecue, prelibatezze svedesi o i classici piatti della cucina italiana. Ogni tema è accompagnato da un buffet delizioso, che completa perfettamente la serata.
  • Impara a ballare il valzer durante la serata Strauss e Danubio, oppure sperimenta l'atmosfera tradizionale viennese con la musica dal vivo durante la serata Heurigen.


  • Crociera di 3,5 ore sul Danubio
  • Cena a buffet
  • Musica dal vivo


  • Notte svedese con le hit degli Abba (scopri qui il menu)
  • Country Barbecue & Spare Ribs (scopri qui il menu)
  • Notte italiana (scopri qui il menu)
  • Notte greca (scopri qui il menu)
  • Austropop (scopri qui il menu)
  • Strauss e Valzer sul Danubio Blu (scopri qui il menu)
  • Party anni '70, '80 e '90 (scopri qui il menu)
  • Heurigan Trip con canzoni viennesi (scopri qui il menu)

Servizi esclusi

  • Bevande
  • Consiglio: durante la navigazione lungo il fiume, non perderti il Monastero di Klosterneuburg, il Castello di Greifenstein e il Bosco Viennese.
  • Questa esperienza è accessibile alle sedie a rotelle, alle carrozzine e ai passeggini.
  • I cani guida sono ammessi.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 72 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.
Cruise in Vienna with city sightseeing
View of Danube Tower from cruise
Cruise in Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Drinks at sunset cruise Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Vienna sunset cruise with guests enjoying a barbecue dinner buffet on deck.
Avocado shrimp salad served on a Vienna sunset cruise with cityscape views.
Beef brisket at Vienna Sunset Cruise
panoramic view sun deck
Cruise in Vienna with city sightseeing
View of Danube Tower from cruise
Cruise in Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Drinks at sunset cruise Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Vienna sunset cruise with guests enjoying a barbecue dinner buffet on deck.
Avocado shrimp salad served on a Vienna sunset cruise with cityscape views.
Beef brisket at Vienna Sunset Cruise
panoramic view sun deck
Cruise in Vienna with city sightseeing
View of Danube Tower from cruise
Cruise in Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Drinks at sunset cruise Vienna
Interior dining area of the cruise
Vienna sunset cruise with guests enjoying a barbecue dinner buffet on deck.
Avocado shrimp salad served on a Vienna sunset cruise with cityscape views.
Beef brisket at Vienna Sunset Cruise
panoramic view sun deck

Crociera al tramonto sul Danubio con barbecue e fuochi d'artificio

a partire da
79 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
3 h 30 min
Pasti inclusi
  • Scopri il fascino di Vienna al calar del sole navigando lungo il Danubio per una serata indimenticabile ricca di panorami, suoni e sapori.
  • Rendi ancora più unica la tua esperienza della crociera al tramonto con offerte come una cena barbecue di alto livello o un appassionante concerto.
  • Immergiti nell'atmosfera del ponte panoramico a 360°, un punto di osservazione ideale per guardare il sole che tramonta e le luci della città che si accendono.
  • Preparati a uno straordinario finale di fuochi d'artificio e ammira monumenti come l'imponente Millennium Tower e il vasto Parco Donauplatte.
  • Scopri il fascino di Vienna al calar del sole navigando lungo il Danubio per una serata indimenticabile ricca di panorami, suoni e sapori.
  • Rendi ancora più unica la tua esperienza della crociera al tramonto con offerte come una cena barbecue di alto livello o un appassionante concerto.
  • Immergiti nell'atmosfera del ponte panoramico a 360°, un punto di osservazione ideale per guardare il sole che tramonta e le luci della città che si accendono.
  • Preparati a uno straordinario finale di fuochi d'artificio e ammira monumenti come l'imponente Millennium Tower e il vasto Parco Donauplatte.


  • Crociera al tramonto sul fiume Danubio
  • Cena barbecue a buffet (Menu here)
  • Musica dal vivo

Servizi esclusi

  • Bevande
  • Consiglio: cerca di scorgere la leggendaria tonalità "blu" del fiume Danubio al tramonto. Non è proprio blu, ma con la luce giusta potrebbe sembrare!
  • Servizi: accessibilità alle sedie a rotelle e alle carrozzine/passeggini.
  • A bordo sono ammessi animali domestici e cani guida.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.
Vienna Big Bus tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River cruise tickets.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Tourists on Big Bus Vienna tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in background
Budapest Big Bus tour crossing Chain Bridge with river cruise view.
Danube River cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Group of tourists enjoying a guided tour at the Upper Belvedere Palace in Vienna, with a skip-the-line entry feature, under the keyword Testt
Anker Clock in Vienna showcasing its intricate design and historical significance.
Tourists on DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest viewing cityscape, part of Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour.
Tourists enjoying the DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest, with a view of the city's skyline and Ferris Wheel, part of the Big Bus: Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour package
Vienna Big Bus tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River cruise tickets.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Tourists on Big Bus Vienna tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in background
Budapest Big Bus tour crossing Chain Bridge with river cruise view.
Danube River cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Group of tourists enjoying a guided tour at the Upper Belvedere Palace in Vienna, with a skip-the-line entry feature, under the keyword Testt
Anker Clock in Vienna showcasing its intricate design and historical significance.
Tourists on DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest viewing cityscape, part of Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour.
Tourists enjoying the DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest, with a view of the city's skyline and Ferris Wheel, part of the Big Bus: Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour package
Vienna Big Bus tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River cruise tickets.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Tourists on Big Bus Vienna tour with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in background
Budapest Big Bus tour crossing Chain Bridge with river cruise view.
Danube River cruise boat with passengers enjoying Vienna cityscape views.
Tourists on Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus with Ferris Wheel and Danube River Cruise in view
Group of tourists enjoying a guided tour at the Upper Belvedere Palace in Vienna, with a skip-the-line entry feature, under the keyword Testt
Anker Clock in Vienna showcasing its intricate design and historical significance.
Tourists on DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest viewing cityscape, part of Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour.
Tourists enjoying the DDSG Danube River Cruise in Budapest, with a view of the city's skyline and Ferris Wheel, part of the Big Bus: Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour package

Combo (Risparmio 30%): Tour di Vienna in autobus Hop-on Hop-off + Crociera sul fiume Danubio

a partire da
54,90 €
Cancellazione gratuita

Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Conferma Istantanea
Biglietti per cellulari
Durata flessibile

Scopri Vienna in autobus e in barca con soste alle attrazioni imperdibili, audioguide e molto altro.

  • Passa dai grandi palazzi di Vienna agli incantevoli caffè con un tour Hop-on Hop-off di 48 ore in autobus, con fermate nei luoghi migliori della città.
  • Crea la tua avventura ideale a Vienna con gli autobus che ogni mezz'ora si fermano in 15 luoghi chiave, consentendoti di esplorare senza limiti i posti che preferisci.
  • Fai una tranquilla crociera sul Danubio di 2 ore, passando accanto alla splendida architettura di Vienna mentre il fiume calmo offre una nuova prospettiva sul fascino della città.
  • Sali a bordo di un autobus dotato di Wi-Fi, indossa le cuffie e ascolta storie affascinanti in 13 lingue mentre i famosi monumenti di Vienna prendono vita davanti ai tuoi occhi.
  • Visita tutte le gemme di Vienna, dalla ruota panoramica con vista sul Prater Park ai tesori artistici del Belvedere Superiore!

Scopri Vienna in autobus e in barca con soste alle attrazioni imperdibili, audioguide e molto altro.

  • Passa dai grandi palazzi di Vienna agli incantevoli caffè con un tour Hop-on Hop-off di 48 ore in autobus, con fermate nei luoghi migliori della città.
  • Crea la tua avventura ideale a Vienna con gli autobus che ogni mezz'ora si fermano in 15 luoghi chiave, consentendoti di esplorare senza limiti i posti che preferisci.
  • Fai una tranquilla crociera sul Danubio di 2 ore, passando accanto alla splendida architettura di Vienna mentre il fiume calmo offre una nuova prospettiva sul fascino della città.
  • Sali a bordo di un autobus dotato di Wi-Fi, indossa le cuffie e ascolta storie affascinanti in 13 lingue mentre i famosi monumenti di Vienna prendono vita davanti ai tuoi occhi.
  • Visita tutte le gemme di Vienna, dalla ruota panoramica con vista sul Prater Park ai tesori artistici del Belvedere Superiore!


  • Accesso illimitato agli autobus del tour Hop-on Hop-off per 48 ore
  • Accesso all'itinerario rosso e all'itinerario blu
  • Crociera sul Danubio DDSG di 2 ore
  • Tour guidato a piedi
  • 1 tour digitale a piedi VOX gratuito (a scelta tra 2)
  • Accesso alla navetta per lo shopping di Westfield SCS
  • Commento preregistrato in inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese brasiliano, cinese, arabo, turco, coreano, hindi, ebraico e russo
  • Wi-Fi e auricolari gratuiti
  • App Big Bus

Hop-on Hop-off a Vienna

Clicca qui here per vedere le mappe dettagliate dei percorsi e i punti di imbarco.

Puoi unirti al tour salendo e scendendo a tuo piacimento tra le varie fermate ubicate lungo l'itinerario per tutta la validità del biglietto.

Itinerario rosso

  • Primo autobus: alle ore 9:30 dalla fermata #1 (Opera)
  • Ultimo autobus: 16:00 dalla fermata #1 (Opera)
  • Frequenza: ogni 20-30 minuti
  • Fermate più gettonate: Casa della Musica, Belvedere Inferiore, Quartiere dei Musei e Chiesa Votiva

Itinerario blu

  • Primo autobus: alle ore 9:45 da Opera/Albertina
  • Ultimo autobus: 16.15 da Opera/Albertina
  • Frequenza: ogni 30 minuti
  • Fermate più gettonate: Zoo Aqua Terre, Palazzo e Zoo di Schönbrunn, Belvedere Superiore e Casa Hundertwasser

Crociera sul Danubio DDSG

Percorso A (dal 30 marzo al 3 novembre)

  • Prima crociera: alle 10:30 dalla fermata #8 (Schwedenplatz/Canale del Danubio)
  • Ultima crociera: alle 14:00 dalla fermata #8 (Schwedenplatz/Canale del Danubio)
  • Frequenza: due volte al giorno
  • Durata: 2 ore

Percorso B (dal 30 marzo al 3 novembre)

  • Prima crociera: 12:30 dalla fermata #11 Blue Danube/Schifffahrtszentrum
  • Ultima crociera: alle 16:00 dalla fermata #11 (Blue Danube/Schifffahrtszentrum)
  • Frequenza: due volte al giorno
  • Durata: 2 ore

Percorso C (dal 1° gennaio al 31 dicembre)

  • Prima crociera: alle 11:00 dalla fermata #8 (Schwedenplatz/Canale del Danubio)
  • Ultima crociera: alle 16:00 dalla fermata #8 Schwedenplatz/Canale del Danubio (alle 17:30 dal 27 aprile 2024 al 6 ottobre 2024)
  • Frequenza: 5 volte al giorno
  • Durata: 2 ore
  • Questa esperienza è accessibile alle persone in sedia a rotelle, alle carrozzine e ai passeggini.
  • I cani sono i benvenuti, ma devono essere al guinzaglio, muniti di museruola e non superare l'altezza del ginocchio. Tuttavia, il tour può ospitare solo un cane per autobus.
  • Tutti i bambini dai 5 ai 15 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.
  • I dettagli specifici relativi ai supplementi presenti nei biglietti saranno condivisi nel biglietto dopo la prenotazione.
  • Puoi cancellare questi biglietti fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'esperienza e ottenere un rimborso completo.

Discover Vienna's beauty on a sightseeing cruise

Sightseeing cruises in Vienna offer a relaxed way to explore the city's rich heritage and vibrant culture. With options ranging from daytime excursions to evening adventures, and even full-day trips to neighboring towns, there's a cruise for every type of traveler. So, why not add a sightseeing cruise to your Vienna itinerary and see the city from a whole new perspective? Read on to learn more about sightseeing cruises in Vienna, what you’ll see, which tickets to choose, boarding points, and more.

Navigate your Vienna sightseeing cruise guide

  1. Why go on a Vienna sightseeing cruise?
  2. Things to know before booking your Vienna sightseeing cruise tickets
  3. Which Vienna sightseeing cruise ticket is best for you?
  4. Find your best Vienna sightseeing cruise match here
  5. Top sights to see on sightseeing cruises in Vienna
  6. Plan your Vienna sightseeing cruise
  7. Frequently asked questions about Vienna sightseeing cruise tickets

Things to know before booking your Vienna sightseeing cruise tickets

  • If you're looking for a simple cruise experience without extras like meals or music, go for the City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal or the Danube River Cruise. When booking, you can choose the basic cruise option or add some Viennese treats like Apple Strudel with a hot drink, Schnitzel, or a full Viennese lunch, but that's only optional. There's also an Evening Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal with an optional dinner – just skip the meal if you prefer to keep it simple.
  • The Danube sightseeing cruise and a hop-on hop-off bus tour combo offer the flexibility to explore the city by land and water, covering all major attractions at your own pace. You can choose your preferred hop-on hop-off bus pass validity (24/48/72 hours) at the time of booking. This option also doesn't include any meals.
  • For a thoroughly entertaining experience, the Danube River Evening Themed Cruise is a fantastic choice. This option includes a themed dinner with live music. When booking, you can select from a variety of themes like Heurigan Trip with Viennese Songs, Strauss and Waltz on the Blue Danube, Swedish Night with Abba Hits, 70s, 80s, 90s Party Cruise, Greek Party, and more. Each theme offers a specific menu, which you can check at the time of booking.
  • Full-day Cruises from Vienna to Dürnstein or Bratislava provide an excellent opportunity to explore more of the region without the hassle of planning transportation. You can choose your preferred destination at the time of booking. The cruise to Dürnstein includes a dedicated menu and a 2-hour stop to explore Dürnstein on foot. Bratislava cruise features a different menu with a 4-hour stop to explore Bratislava on foot.
  • For an all-inclusive cultural experience, the Danube Boat Tour with Dinner and a Schonbrunn Palace Concert is an excellent choice. You can select your preferred concert date and seat category (VIP, A, B, or C) while booking.

Which Vienna sightseeing cruise ticket is best for you?

Vienna sightseeing cruises

Daytime cruises

City Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal with Optional Viennese Delicacies

  • It is a budget-friendly option ideal for travelers with limited time looking to get a quick yet comprehensive introduction to Vienna’s cityscape along the Danube Canal. Opt for the optional Viennese delicacies for an authentic culinary experience.

Danube River Cruise with Optional Viennese Delicacies

  • This cruise is best for visitors interested in a relaxed tour along the picturesque Danube River, with the option to savor traditional Viennese snacks. The cruise offers beautiful views of Vienna’s landmarks from the river.

Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube River with Sunday Brunch and Live Music

  • This option is best for weekend travelers looking for a fun combination of sightseeing, brunch, and entertainment. Enjoy a sumptuous brunch buffet with live music, and spend a relaxing Sunday morning cruising the Danube.
Vienna sightseeing cruises

Evening cruises

Evening Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube Canal with Optional Dinner

  • This budget-friendly option is great if you want to see Vienna's nighttime beauty from the water, accompanied by a delightful dinner if you opt for it. Ideal for romantic outings and nighttime city explorers.

Danube River Evening-Themed Cruise with Dinner & Live Music

  • Themed cruises add a unique touch of entertainment to your evening cruise with a combination of sightseeing, dining, and live performances. Themes include 70s, 80s, 90s Party Cruise, Italian Night, Swedish Night with Abba Hits, and more.

Sunset Cruise in Vienna with Barbecue & Fireworks

  • If you are a sunset person, this one is for you. You'll see Vienna's skyline dipped in sunset hues and later enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner on board. The fireworks make the atmosphere festive ideal for celebrations or for a memorable end to the evening.
Vienna sightseeing cruises
Vienna sightseeing cruises

Combo packages

Combo (Save 8%): Danube Sightseeing Cruise + Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour

  • This combo is perfect for first-time visitors to Vienna. You'll start with a 75-minute sightseeing cruise on the Danube Canal, giving you a unique view of the city's landmarks.
  • Plus, the hop-on hop-off bus pass lets you explore at your own speed with options for 24, 48, or 72-hour validity, so you can pick what works best for your schedule.

Combo: Blue Danube Boat Tour with Dinner & Schonbrunn Palace Concert

  • This option is best for culture enthusiasts seeking an immersive Viennese experience with a mix of river cruising, fine dining, and classical music.
  • Enjoy a scenic evening cruise followed by a gourmet dinner, and end the night with a classical concert at the historic Schonbrunn Palace.

Find your best Vienna sightseeing cruise match here

Boarding point
City Sightseeing Cruise on Danube Canal with Optional Viennese Delicacies
11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm, and 5:30pm
75 minutes
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube
Sightseeing cruise in Danube Canal, 2-course lunch (optional), Apple strudel & hot drink (optional), Schnitzel (optional)
Danube River Cruise with Optional Viennese Delicacies
10:30am, 2pm
3.5 hours
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube
Cruise on Danube River, 2-course lunch (optional), Apple strudel & hot drink (optional), Schnitzel (optional)
Evening Sightseeing Cruise on Danube Canal with Optional Dinner
3 hours
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube
Evening cruise on Danube Canal, dinner (optional)
Danube River Evening Themed Cruise with Dinner & Live Music
3.5 hours
Anlegestelle 07
Danube River cruise, themed buffet dinner, live music
Full-Day Danube Cruise to Dürnstein or Bratislava from Vienna
10.5 - 13 hours
Marina Wien Yachthafen
Full-day cruise on the Danube River, option to choose cruise destination from Dürnstein or Bratislava, 2 hours to explore Dürnstein or 4 hours stop to explore Bratislava, onboard breakfast, lunch, snack, strudel, dinner (with menu based on the chosen cruise)
Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube River with Sunday Brunch and Live Music
3 hours
Anlegestelle 07
Danube River cruise, brunch buffet, live music, free WiFi
Sunset Cruise in Vienna with Barbecue & Fireworks
3.5 hours
MS Kaiserin Elisabeth at Handelskai 265
Sunset cruise on the Danube River, barbeque dinner buffet, live music, firework show
Combo (Save 8%): Danube Sightseeing Cruise + Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour
11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm, 5:30pm
75 minutes
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube
Sightseeing cruise in Danube Canal, 24/48/72-hour HOHO bus pass (optional validity), multilingual audio guide (German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Hungarian, Turkish, Greek, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic) for bus tour, access to red line, blue line & yellow line, free WiFi
Blue Danube Boat Tour with Dinner & Schonbrunn Palace Concert
3.5 hours
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube
Danube river cruise, 3-course dinner at a restaurant, Schönbrunn concert ticket

Top sights to see on sightseeing cruises in Vienna

Uniqa Tower

Uniqa Tower

A striking example of modern architecture, the Uniqa Tower stands out with its impressive design and innovative LED light displays. The tower is especially captivating when lit up at night, offering a colorful spectacle that reflects on the water.

Danube Tower

Danube Tower

One of the tallest structures in Austria, the Danube Tower offers panoramic views of Vienna. From your cruise, you'll get an excellent view of this towering landmark, which also serves as a popular spot for visitors seeking a bird's-eye view of the city.



Ringturm is a prominent office tower with a distinctive cylindrical shape. Its central location and architectural style make it an eye-catching part of Vienna's skyline. The cruise offers a clear view of the Ringturm, allowing you to appreciate its architectural and artistic significance.

Rossauer Barracks

Rossauer Barracks

Rossauer Barracks, a massive military complex, showcases Vienna's historical military architecture. From the water, you’ll be able to see its colorful façade, undulating lines, and lush rooftop garden.

Urania Observatory

Urania Observatory

The Urania Observatory, with its distinctive dome, is another highlight you'll pass. Established in the early 20th century, this institution is dedicated to public education in astronomy. The cruise provides an excellent view of the observatory's elegant structure, and if you're lucky, you might even spot the telescopes in action on a clear evening.

Millennium Tower

Millennium Tower

The Millennium Tower, a modern skyscraper, is a real eye-catcher with its sleek design and shiny glass exterior. It’s like a symbol of how Vienna blends its rich history with contemporary style. When you're on the cruise, you'll get an amazing view of the tower reflecting the sky and river, adding a futuristic touch to the city's skyline.

Otto Wagner's Schützenhaus

Otto Wagner's Schützenhaus

This architectural gem by Otto Wagner, one of Vienna's most famous architects, is a must-see. The Schützenhaus showcases Wagner's signature Art Nouveau style with intricate details and elegant lines. You'll be able to admire this beautifully preserved building in all its historical splendor from your cruise boat.

Hundertwasser Waste Incineration Plant

Hundertwasser Waste Incineration Plant

Have you ever seen a waste incineration plant that's also a piece of art? That's exactly what you'll find here, thanks to the creative genius of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. This place is a burst of color and whimsy, standing out brightly against the usual drab industrial buildings. 



The Badeschiff is a floating swimming pool and barge that you'll pass during your cruise. It allows visitors to swim in a pool on the Danube itself. The lively atmosphere and innovative concept make the Badeschiff an unusual sight, showcasing the city's creative use of its waterways.

The Prater Area 

The Prater Area 

The Prater area, often referred to as the 'Green Heart' of Vienna, is a vast public park that includes the famous Giant Ferris Wheel. From the water, you can see the sprawling green spaces and perhaps catch a glimpse of the Ferris Wheel in action. It is an amazing recreational area for both locals and visitors.

Lock System at Freudenau

Lock System at Freudenau

The lock system at Freudenau is an engineering marvel that you'll encounter on your cruise. These locks are crucial for managing water levels and ensuring safe navigation along the Danube. Watching the operation of the locks from the boat provides an intriguing insight into the mechanics of river navigation.



Designed by the renowned architect Zaha Hadid, this residential building is a striking example of modern architecture. The building's flowing lines and innovative design stand out along the riverbank. A Vienna boat tour offers a perfect view of the Zaha-Hadid-Haus, highlighting its unique architectural features.

Plan your Vienna sightseeing cruise

Boarding points & getting there
Best time to go on a sightseeing cruise in Vienna
Vienna sightseeing cruise
  • City Sightseeing Cruise on Danube Canal with Optional Viennese Delicacies: 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm, and 5:30pm
  • Danube River Cruise with Optional Viennese Delicacies: 10:30am & 2pm
  • Evening Sightseeing Cruise on Danube Canal with Optional Dinner: 7pm
  • Danube River Evening-Themed Cruise with Dinner & Live Music:  7pm
  • Full-Day Danube Cruise to Dürnstein or Bratislava from Vienna: 8:30am
  • Sightseeing Cruise on the Danube River with Sunday Brunch and Live Music: 11am
  • Sunset Cruise in Vienna with Barbecue & Fireworks:  7pm
  • Combo (Save 8%): Danube Sightseeing Cruise + Vienna Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour: 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 4pm, 5:30pm
City Cruises Vienna - DDSG Blue Danube

Address: Franz-Josefs-Kai 2, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map
Getting there: Board bus #2A to get to the closest bus stop Schwedenplatz U, or tram #1 to Schwedenplatz tram stop. It is a quick 2-minute walk to the boarding point from both of these stops.

Anlegestelle 07 or Handelskai 265

Address: Handelskai 265, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map
Getting there: Board bus 11A or 11B to get to the closest bus stop Vorgartenstraße U, or take subway service U1 (red line) to reach Vorgartenstraße subway station. From either of these stops, it's about an 8-minute walk to the boarding point.

Marina Wien Yachthafen

Address: Handelskai 343, 1020 Wien, Austria | Find on map
Getting there: Take the U2 subway and alight at Donaumarina, the closest subway station located a 2-minute walk away from the boarding point. Alternatively, you can rent a bicycle or car to get there.

Vienna sightseeing cruises

Best time of the year:

  • Each season offers its own charm for sightseeing cruises in Vienna. Spring (April to June) brings pleasant weather and blooming landscapes along the riverbanks. Summer (July to September) offers longer daylight hours, perfect for extended cruises. Autumn (October to November) showcases vibrant foliage, adding a picturesque touch. Winter (December to March), though chilly, provides a unique view of Vienna's holiday decorations and serene river scenes.

Best time of the day:

  • The time of day can greatly influence the ambiance of your cruise. Morning cruises offer a tranquil start, with calm waters and fewer crowds. Mid-day cruises provide ample sunlight for taking in the city's sights. Sunset cruises are magical, offering a view of Vienna bathed in golden hues, ideal for capturing memorable photos. Evening cruises present a romantic atmosphere, with the city lights reflecting off the water, creating a stunning backdrop.
Vienna sightseeing cruises
  • Open-Air Decks: Enjoy panoramic views of Vienna's landmarks along the Danube Canal or river from the open-air decks.
  • Restrooms: Convenient, accessible restrooms are available on board.
  • Meal and entertainment options: Depending on your cruise choice, you might savor a lavish Viennese meal or enjoy themed shows and live music.
  • Ample seating areas: If it gets too sunny or starts raining, there are shaded and indoor seating options.
  • Staff assistance: Friendly staff are always on hand to make sure your cruise is smooth and enjoyable.
Vienna sightseeing cruises
  • Book in advance: Popular Vienna cruises, especially those with dinner or live music, can sell out quickly. Booking in advance ensures you get the cruise of your choice.
  • Arrive early: Arriving at the boarding at least 15 minutes early allows you to choose the best seats and start your cruise stress-free.
  • Consider motion sickness: If you're prone to motion sickness, consider taking medication or choosing a shorter cruise.
  • Dress comfortably: Vienna's weather can vary, so it's wise to dress in layers. Bring a light jacket even in summer, as it can get chilly on the water.
  • Know the route: Familiarize yourself with the cruise route to know what landmarks you will pass and plan which side of the boat you’d like to sit on.
  • Follow safety instructions: Kindly follow all safety briefings or instructions given by the crew to ensure a safe cruise experience for all.

Frequently asked questions about Vienna sightseeing cruise tickets

What are the different types of sightseeing cruises available in Vienna?

Vienna offers a variety of cruises, including one-hour city cruises, half-day excursions, evening cruises, themed cruises, and full-day cruises to nearby towns. Each provides a different experience, from quick sightseeing to a leisurely meal on the water.

How long do the cruises typically last?

Cruises in Vienna can range from 1-hour city tours to full-day excursions. Choose one based on how much time you have and what you wish to see.

Are Vienna sightseeing cruises suitable for children?

Yes, most cruises are family-friendly and provide an enjoyable experience for children, with some boats even offering kid-friendly activities.

Are meals included on the Vienna sightseeing cruises?

This depends on the cruise. Short sightseeing cruises may offer optional meals, while dinner cruises offer a full dining experience. Always check what's included before booking.

Do cruises operate year-round?

While many cruises operate year-round, some, especially evening or dinner cruises, may have seasonal schedules. Please check availability for the time of your visit.

What can I see on a Danube Canal cruise?

A Danube Canal cruise offers views of the city’s inner districts, including the famous Hundertwasser House, the Ringturm, and contemporary urban developments.